By Nasredeen Abdulbari[1] Thousands of innocent civilians have been killed in places like Darfur and Libya by armed attackers sponsored, supported, and/or controlled by governments or anti-government armed groups. Civilians are killed despite the fact that they are protected by Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions and Article 8(2)(b)(i) of the Rome Statute of the […]
Atrocities Documented, Accountability Needed: Finding Justice for the Rohingya through the ICC and Independent Mechanism, By Paul R. Williams & Jessica Levy
By Paul R. Williams* and Jessica Levy‡ Introduction In late August and early September 2017, the Myanmar military launched a large-scale, coordinated attack against the Rohingya population of Myanmar in the Rakhine, Kachin, and Shan states. Mass killings, arson, and rape, amongst other atrocities, were used in an attempt to decimate and displace the […]
The Rohingya and the Crime Against Humanity of Persecution: A Blessing in Disguise for Gender Justice?
By Tiran Rahimian[1] Over the past twelve months, Myanmar’s armed forces, known as the Tatmadaw, have driven over 670,000 Rohingya Muslims into Bangladesh in what has been described by UN sources as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing” bearing the “hallmarks of a genocide.”[2] The campaign of atrocities, euphemized by Myanmar’s authorities as a […]
Marital Rape: A Non-criminalized Crime in India
By: Sarthak Makkar[1] The definition of rape codified in Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (“IPC”) includes all forms of sexual assault involving nonconsensual intercourse with a woman.[2] However, Exception 2 to Section 375 exempts unwilling sexual intercourse between a husband and a wife over fifteen years of age from Section 375’s definition of […]
Harmonious Interpretation Meets the UN Charter: The Derogation Presumption
by Secil Bilgic Article 103 of the United Nations Charter (Charter) stipulates the supremacy of obligations stemming from the Charter over other international obligations. Since the United Nations (UN) Member States are obliged to ‘accept and carry out’ binding decisions of the Security Council (Council), the Council’s Chapter VII Resolutions (Resolutions) enjoy this supremacy […]
An Overview on the World of Trump: ‘A Yemeni Perspective’
by Abdulrashid Alfaqih At the beginning of 2017, I left Yemen with my colleague and wife, Radhya Almutawakel, to represent the Mwatana Organization for Human Rights in an international advocacy tour. This tour included the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and a number of other European countries. Back then, we thought the world’s […]