Whether one calls it modern day slavery or the new Jim Crow, mass incarceration represents the most recent dynamic mechanism by which the state exercises controls over black and brown bodies in the name of justice. The term encompasses more than the wild racial disparities in police brutality, the school to prison pipeline, arrest rates, pretrial detention, conditions of incarceration, sentencing, and capital punishment; it describes a system in which criminal justice has evolved to control people of color. Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice welcomes the submission of articles on the history, politics, economics, or theory behind race in law enforcement and the criminal justice system and the diverse ways in which it defines the lived experience of people of color.
JREJ accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Please send all submissions to hjrejsubmissions@gmail.com. In addition to the full text, authors should submit a current CV and an optional cover letter. Footnotes should conform to The Bluebook (20th ed. 2015). We look forward to hearing from you!