by bloizides | Oct 4, 2018 | Publication
The Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal (HBLJ), formerly the Harvard Journal on Racial and Ethnic Justice, is excited to announce its 2018 Call for Content. HBLJ is looking for submissions from activists, those who are or have been incarcerated, lawyers, organizers,...
by rvieux | Aug 16, 2017 | Publication
Whether one calls it modern day slavery or the new Jim Crow, mass incarceration represents the most recent dynamic mechanism by which the state exercises controls over black and brown bodies in the name of justice. The term encompasses more than the wild racial...
by bloizides | Oct 3, 2016 | Publication
Whether one calls it modern day slavery or the new Jim Crow, mass incarceration represents the most recent dynamic mechanism by which the state exercises controls over black and brown bodies in the name of justice. The term encompasses more than the wild racial...
by bloizides | Apr 6, 2015 | Archive, Publication, Symposium
The Harvard Journal of Racial and Ethnic Justice (JREJ) recently published its first online volume. It consists of material first presented at JREJ’s Spring 2014 Symposium: “40 Years After Milliken: Remedying Racial Disparities in a ‘Post-Racial Society.’” The 1974...