Labeling GM Foods: Democracy and Autonomy

Labeling GM Foods: Democracy and Autonomy by Alex G. Leone, JD '16  I. Introduction A bipartisan majority of Americans asserts a right to know what it is eating and wants mandatory labeling of genetically modified (“GM”) foods:[1] a simple, on-label statement of whether a food or food ingredient is the product of genetic engineering.[…

For-Profit, Anti-Student

For-Profit, Anti-Student by Nino C. Monea, JD '17 The legal job market is notoriously rocky. Virtually all law schools have trouble securing full-time jobs for their students. However, not all schools are equal in this regard, and many use deceptive techniques. Some of the worst cases involve private, for-profit law schools. One particularly …

Faithfully Executed? The Legal and Rational Imperative of Declining to Seek the Federal Death Penalty in Abolitionist States

Faithfully Executed? The Legal and Rational Imperative of Declining to Seek the Federal Death Penalty in Abolitionist States by Francesca Procaccini, JD '15 I. Introduction Prosecutorial discretion bestows both a power and a duty—it confers control, and demands restraint. In the federal system, this discretion derives from the prosecuto…

The Apprentice(ship)

The Apprentice(ship)  by Nino C. Monea, JD ’17 When the Great Recession hit, the economy was devastated. In early 2008, unemployment, previously hovering at around 5%, shot up to 10.0% by October 2009.[1] The number of job openings plummeted from 4.5 million in December 2007 to fewer than 2.5 million in July 2009.[2] Average consumer …

Physician Self-Referral: Back on the Agenda or Out for Good?

Physician Self-Referral: Back on the Agenda or Out for Good? by Amanda Bakowski JD '17 I. Introduction On June 25, 2015, the Supreme Court decided King v. Burwell, holding that the tax credits established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) are available to individuals purchasing health insurance on exchanges…