Foreword: The Dispossessed Majority: Resisting The Second Redemption In America Posfascista (Postfascist America) With Latcrit, Scholarship, Community, And Praxis Amidst The Global Pandemic
by Marc Tizoc Gonzalez1Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law,, @marctizoc,, Thanks to my coauthors; the LatCrit 2019 conference participants and organizers—especially Shelley Cavalieri, Natsu Taylor Saito, and Nirej Sekhon; Steve Bender and Stephen Lee for thoughtful editorial suggestions; my research assistants, Felisha Adams and Amanda Garcia; and the myriad people with whom I’ve discussed America Posfascista (Postfascist America) over the past sixteen years. Finalmente, gracias a mi querida esposa y compa˜nera, Teague Gonzalez, Saru Matambanadzo 2 Jack and Lovell Olender Professor of Asylum Refugee and Immigration Law University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Many thanks to the organizing committee of the LatCrit Conference for bringing together such a diverse and engaging group of presenters. Special thanks to Steve Bender for always being a constant mentor and friend and to CLI for many hours of socially distanced walks that helped me fine tune the ideas in this paper., and Sheila I. Velez Martinez3Gregory Armstrong, Preface, in GEORGE L. JACKSON, BLOOD IN MY EYE (1972, Black Classic Press 1990), at xviii. See also GEORGE JACKSON, SOLEDAD BROTHER THE PRISON LETTERS OF GEORGE JACKSON (1994).