by Jason Zubata1Jason Zubata is a 2022 graduate of The George Washington University Law School, where he served as the Senior Articles Editor of the International Law in Domestic Courts Journal. He has a B.A. in Justice & Law and Psychology from American University in Washington, D.C. He extends his deepest gratitude and thanks to numerous individuals, for without their help none of this would be possible. He would foremost like to thank his family for their love and encouragement in every endeavor; his editors at the Harvard Latin American Law Review for their valuable feedback; his Note faculty advisors Michael Sinclair and Joshua Champagne for offering their esteemed guidance and support; and his fellow colleagues, Jose Blanco, Esq. and Kira Zimmerman for their infallible patience and advice throughout the writing process. Mr. Zubata hopes that his Note will be used to ensure that every U.S. immigrant has access to legal protection and access to refoulement-prevention services.