Join us on Saturday, April 2, 2016, for Law and Anarchism. All events will take place in Hauser 104.
Please RSVP here so we know how many people to expect.
10:30-11:00 Welcome Coffee
Multi-sites of Power, Law, and the State
Deric Shannon, Professor of Sociology at Oxford College of Emory University, anarchist, author of many books, chapters, articles and reviews on social movements, culture, sexuality, and their intersection with radical politics, co-editor of multiple anarchist collections, and member of groups such as Queers without Borders.
12:00-12:30 Lunch
Anarchism, Propaganda by the Deed, and Human Rights in Spain: Past and Present
Mark Bray, PhD Candidate in Modern European History at Rutgers University, author of Translating Anarchy, longtime activist, and one of the organizers of the Press Working Group of Occupy Wall Street.
Dilemmas of Theory and Practice: Spanish Anarchism, Mujeres Libres, and Strategies for Women’s Emancipation
Martha Ackelsberg, Professor of Government at Smith College, author of Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Womenand Resisting Citizenship: Feminist Essays on Politics, Community, and Democracy, and feminist scholar.
2:00-2:15 Break
Panel: Anarchism in legal work
Moira Meltzer-Cohen, radical lawyer with a practice based in New York, founding member of Mutant Legal and Legal Info.
Nathan Sheard, legal activist with Mutant Legal.
Rebecca Chapman, public defender and Unbound alum.
Jason Lydon, anarchist Unitarian Universalist minister and founder of Black and Pink.
Alex Franco, attorney with Zavala Law Group in New York.
Carl Williams, attorney with the ACLU of Massachusetts.
3:45-4:00 Break
The Continuing Relevance of Outlawry Today
Ashanti Alston, anarchist activist, former Black Panther and Prisoner of War.
Movement Lawyering for Anarchists
Carl Williams, attorney with the ACLU of Massachusetts, part of the legal defense and support team for Occupy Boston, and former criminal defense attorney.
Hauser is starred on the map. Directions here.
Hosted in part by HLS-NLG. Brought to you by financial support from the DOS Grant Fund and the Harvard Law School Forum.
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