
Duncan has been a mentor, friend, and anchor of sanity to many of us during law school and beyond. We found him to be quite unlike our other law professors. He is approachable and affable. Instead of bullying students into accepting doctrine’s underlying rationale he explored its theoretical and historical contingency, giving us permission, in turn, to think critically and imaginatively about the law. He came to our self-organized lunch events and protests. He engaged with us on the topics of pop-stars, fashion, and hairstyles. But he also gave us a sense of our responsibility to educate the left about law, demystify it, and reveal its possibilities as a theater of revolutionary contestation over the structure and meaning of social life. We admire his kindness and his brilliance. We envy his boots and his bookshelf.

It has been a true pleasure to explore Duncan’s many roles in so many lives. We hope readers of this volume will feel as inspired and as grateful as we are for Duncan’s legacy.

–The Unbound Editorial Collective


Law on the Left: a Conversation with Duncan Kennedy, Tor Krever, Carl Lisberger and Max Utzschneider

Teaching Israel/Palestine Issues at Harvard: Interview with Duncan Kennedy, Whosam El-Coolaq

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower, Peter Gabel

Kennedy, Consciousness, and the Monostructural Account of the American Legal Order, Paul Baumgardner

Duncan Kennedy and My Worst Nightmare, David M. Trubek

The Misplaced Role of Phenomenology in Duncan Kennedy’s Theory of Legal Interpretation, Brandon Hogan

How we honour masters: Reflections on the work of Duncan Kennedy, Vishaal Kishore

Kennedy in Berlin: Law schooling in Europe in light of the Hierarchy debate, Fiona Nelson

Duncan Kennedy as, Yes, Mentor, Mark Tushnet

The Other Thing Professors Do: Reflections on Duncan Kennedy as a Teacher, Ezra Rosser

Duncan Kennedy’s Public/Private Divide Interpretation and Ag-Gag Laws: Who Are We Fooling?, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet

Duncan Kennedy on Constitutional Theory and Palestine, Nimer Sultany

Legal Education as Training for Hierarchy in 2015, Matthew Titolo

Indeterminacy by Omission: Who Decides Whether Regulation X Applies?, Morgan L. Weinstein

Critical Legal Studies and Regressive Taxation in the United States, Bret N. Bogenschneider

The True Left, Gary Peller

(forthcoming), Aziza Ahmed & Janet Halley

Appendix I

All three issues of Lizard, a CLS movement creation that was distributed in 1984 and is described in Gary Peller’s piece, The True Left (above).

Lizard no.1

Lizard no.2

Lizard no.3

Appendix II

The American Critical Legal Studies Movement In A Nutshell

Appendix III