Harvard CRCL will be liveblogging from the Ames Moot Court Semifinals on Tuesday, March 22nd and Wednesday, March 23rd at 6pm. This year we are featuring guest-blogging by Jason Harrow and Phil Mayor, oralists from the 2010 winning Ames team. Tuesday’s results:

Tuesday, March 22nd

The Teams

The Clarence Earl Gideon Memorial Team (Best Brief)

Oren Cass

Alexander Dryer

Erin Earl

Joshua Matz, Oralist

Erin Monju

Lauren Weinstein, Oralist


The Honorable John McCarthy Roll Memorial Team (Best Overall)

Avis Bohlen

Adam Hallowell

Jessica Palmer, Oralist (Best Oralist)

Yvonne Saadi

Ben Watson

Matthew Scarola, Oralist

Check out our coverage of the fall 2010 final here and then come back at 6pm on 3/23 for more live coverage of the 2011 semifinals!

You can find the full liveblog here.