
Martha Minow has been the dean of Harvard Law School since 2013. Prior to that she taught at Harvard. Since 1981, her courses have included civil procedure, constitutional law, family law, international criminal justice, jurisprudence, law and education, nonprofit organizations, and the public law workshop.

Dean Minow holds a bachelors from University of Michigan, a masters in education from Harvard, and a law degree from Yale. She has served on the Independent International Commission Kosovo, helped to launch Imagine Co-existence, a program of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. She currently serves on the Legal Services Corporation board.

Unsurprisingly, Dean Minow has been published extensively.

For a fuller bio, click here.

51fz8nxu16l-_sx334_bo1204203200_1) Simple Justice by Richard Kluger (1977):

Dean Minow explains: “Telling the complex political, legal, and biographical stories leading up to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), this book shows how nothing was inevitable; how segregation operated; how the lawyers and local activists made the strategies to propel change; and why the human experiences behind injustice must be at the center of memory and action.”

2) Strangers to the Law: Gay People on Trial by Lisa Keen and Suzanne B. Goldberg (2000):

She explains: “By examining the legal, social and scientific arguments surrounding the question of gay and lesbian rights in the United States in the context of landmark litigation in Colorado, the book explains both process of judicial challenges and the competing assumptions and worldviews o51znzqnruvl-_sx390_bo1204203200_f those supporting and opposing equal rights for LGBTQ individuals. The authors were lawyers in the case and their perceptions offer immediacy as well.”
3) From Slavery to Freedom by John Hope Franklin and Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham (rev. ed. 2010): 

She wrote: “This comprehensive history traces the stories of African Americans in Africa, through slavery and struggles for freedom in the Western Hemisphere, and the ongoing quest for racial equality.”