Victoria Diana Baranetsky
Kerala Thie Cowart
Marisa Likar Cruz
Managing Editors
Lindsay Heck
Lane Polozola
Mark J. Stanisz
Executive Editors for Amicus
Austin Randazzo
Caitlin Connolly
Daniel Nazar
Executive Editors for Article Selection
Amanda Klemas
David Rassoul Rangaviz
Chelsea Sharon
Outside Articles Editors
Andrew Hughes
Katherine Pappas
Executive Technical Editors
Katelyn Beaudette
Meghan Heesch
Rachel Mehlsak
Zachary Zwillinger
Executive Editors for Student Writing
Philip Mayor
Emily Werth
Executive Editors for Solicited Content
Amir Hatem Ali
Benjamin Levin
Executive Editors for Special Project
Jenny Lee
Emily Regier
Assistant Managing Editors
Samantha Stern
Rebecca Sherman
Faculty Liaison
Lauren Weinstein
Board of Advisers
Lani Guinier
Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
Dean Martha Minow
Dean of Harvard Law School
and Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
Randall Kennedy
Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
Deborah Ramirez
Professor of Law
Northeastern University School of Law