Rep. John Lewis Awarded Liberty Medal
Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) was awarded the liberty medal for “his dedication to civil rights.” Lewis was extremely active and influential in the Civil Rights Movement, and has recently documented his experiences in the March, a series of graphic novels depicting his experiences.
More Police Shootings
In Tulsa, police released footage showing the killing of Terence Crutcher. Crutcher, a 40-year-old African American man was unarmed and had his hands up when he was shot and killed by the police.
13-year-old Tyre King was shot and killed by police in Columbus Ohio. Tyre was a robbery suspect, and was killed when he allegedly pulled out a pellet pistol which resembled a firearm.
Chicago police officer Marco Proano was indicted with two counts of criminal civil rights violations for 2013 incident in which he fired multiple shots at a group of African American teenagers.
Slaughter in the Philippines
Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has announced his intention to extend his “war on drugs” for another six months. As controversial as it has been brutal, Duterte has made acted on his campaign promises to kill all those involved in the narcotics trade. He has asked for the help of vigilantes, who have killed some of the total 2,035 people killed so far, according to the Guardian.
Pellet Guns on Protesters
In Kashimir, crack down on protesters has resulted in “an epidemic of ‘dead eyes,’” according to the New York Times. These ‘dead eyes’ are the result of the use of pellet guns to disperse protesters.