Recap of JOL Midterm Election Panel

On Monday, November 10, the Journal on Legislation hosted Professor Steve Ansolabehere (a Harvard government professor who consulted this year with CBS News on its election night coverage specializes in electoral politics, public opinion, and media) and Professor Elaine Kamarck (a Kennedy School professor and former White House senior staffer who created the National Performance Review, the largest government reform effort in the last half of the twentieth century, focuses on government efficiency and policy implementation). Moderated by JOL Membership Development Co-Chair Will Burgess, the panel discussed implications from the previous week’s elections and the political climate going forward to 2016. Here’s a quick recap of some of the panelist’s insights: Continue reading

Competitive Ideas for Reducing Healthcare Costs

Competitive Ideas for Reducing Healthcare Costs Jeremy Salinger[*]   I. Introduction Nino Monea, Class of 2017, recently proposed that making price information for medical care available to consumers online would increase the transparency in healthcare shopping, which in turn would lead to greater competition among healthcare provi…

A Clear Solution for Health Care Costs

A Clear Solution for Health Care Costs Nino Monea[*]   The market for health care is an economist’s nightmare. Many of the market forces that would militate against rising prices in other industries simply do not exist for the health care market in the United States. Sudden injuries and illnesses create demand uncertainty by prevent…

Liar, Liar…Possible Changes Ahead for Lie Detection Legislation

Liar, Liar…Possible Changes Ahead for Lie Detection Legislation Jenna Tynan[*]   Most of us experience the distinct pleasure of completing a job application at some point in our lives. One can expect standard questions including name, address, and employment history. Depending on the state, employers may or may not ask questions rel…

Cash for College? House Committee Advances Tax Breaks for Students

Cash for College? House Committee Advances Tax Breaks for Students Sean Morrison[*]   With students long gone on summer break, the House Committee on Ways and Means recently advanced legislation by a vote of 22-13 that combines several of the existing tax incentives for higher education into one unified tax credit.[2] Representative…