Twenty-five years ago tomorrow, the storied Pokémon franchise began with the Japan release of Pocket Monsters Red and Green on the Game Boy. Many of us recall playing classics like Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow, Gold/Silver/Crystal, and others through the years. When I initially went … [Read more...] about Career Spotlight – Jennifer Liu, Chief Legal Officer, The Pokémon Company International, Inc.
How are sports leagues clarifying player punishments for sports gambling controversies?
Brown and red leaves weren’t the only unusual sight during last year’s Masters Tournament. On top of an unprecedented November scene at Augusta National, one of the game’s most historic sites witnessed another peculiarity: one of the game’s most influential players donning a … [Read more...] about How are sports leagues clarifying player punishments for sports gambling controversies?
EA Sports Returns to College Football: What to Do About the Roster Share Feature?
The wait is over. Earlier this month, EA Sports announced that it would revive its popular college football video game franchise NCAA Football. This time around, however, the game will be called EA Sports College Football. The name is not the only thing that will be different … [Read more...] about EA Sports Returns to College Football: What to Do About the Roster Share Feature?
JSEL Volume 12-1 Coming February 10
Volume 12-1 of the print edition of the Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law will be published here on February 10! The fall issue will feature the following articles: A Proposal for Group Licensing of College Athlete NILs, Jeffrey F. Brown, James Bo Pearl, Jeremy … [Read more...] about JSEL Volume 12-1 Coming February 10
Regulating the Blanket License: A Path Towards Terminating the ASCAP/BMI Consent Decrees
Regulating the Blanket License: A Path Towards Terminating the ASCAP/BMI Consent Decrees By Dallin Earl Dallin Earl is a 2020 graduate of Harvard Law School and former president of the Recording Artists Project at HLS. The introduction to Regulating the Blanket License: A Path … [Read more...] about Regulating the Blanket License: A Path Towards Terminating the ASCAP/BMI Consent Decrees