Winter 2018 – Full Masthead
Symposium: Controlling the Pendulum: Progressive Checks in the Trump Era
Brian E. Frosh
Unreasonable Delays: The Legal Problems (So Far) ofTrump’s Deregulatory Binge
Lisa Heinzerling
Civil Rights and State Courts in the Trump Era
Matthew R. Segal
Presidential Defiance and the Courts
Michael J. Gerhardt
Holding the Presidency Accountable: A Path Forward for Journalists and Lawyers
Bruce Brown & Selina MacLaren
The Least Dangerous Branch – And the Last Hope of the Left
Caroline Fredrickson
General Essays
Should Robots Pay Taxes? Tax Policy in the Age of Automation
Ryan Abbott and Bret Bogenschneider
Student Notes
Reassessing Wiretap and Eavesdropping Statutes: Making One-Party Consent the Default
Rauvin Johl
Dissenting by Enforcing: Using State Consumer Protection Statutes to Enforce Federal Law
Eliza A. Lehner