Contribute to the Harvard Law & Policy Review blog and bring your law and policy analysis to thousands of visitors a month! The HLPR Blog: Notice and Comment is currently accepting submissions.
Posts will generally be short (400–600 words), although blog contributors occasionally write longer posts or series. Posts should be on timely subjects. Typical topics include recent court cases, pending legislation, and other current events relating to law and policy.
Contributors should be sharp writers who can provide interesting content and analysis to a progressive audience. Contributors frequently are, but are not required to be, law students or lawyers. In return for their contributions, blog contributors will gain experience in an increasingly important media format and exposure to national audience. They will also receive preference when submitting longer articles for publication in the journal.
The Harvard Law & Policy Review is the official journal of the American Constitution Society. Prior issues have been distributed to more than 30,000 attorneys, scholars, judges, students, and policymakers, as well as selected congressional offices and law libraries.
Past contributors to the journal include Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Charles Schumer, and Elizabeth Warren; former Attorney General Janet Reno; former Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius; Judge David Barron of the First Circuit; Judge Nancy Gertner of the District of Massachusetts; California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu; New York Court of Appeals Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman; and Professors Zephyr Teachout, Lani Guinier, Michael J. Graetz, Cass Sunstein, and Jerry L. Mashaw. Past blog contributors range from former Solicitor General Don Verrilli and Supreme Court advocate Tejinder Singh to Professors Lawrence Tribe and Alex Whiting.
If you have questions, email
Maddie Wettach
Executive Online Editor
Christina Coleburn
Justin Gillette
Kevin Bendesky