Please join the Harvard Negotiation Law Review for Make it Work: A Symposium on Designing Equity in the Legal Profession. This event will be held from 12pm to 4:15 pm on November 10, and a reception will follow the last panel. We are excited to host an afternoon of discussion among the ADR community about using the lessons from dispute systems design to “nudge” the legal profession to increase equality.
- Keynote: Craig Silliman, General Counsel of Verizon (12pm-1pm)
- Assessing Challenges: Identifying Hurdles to Equity (1pm-2pm)
Featuring: Ronit Dinovitzer, Anne Weisberg, and Alan Bryan - Implementing Change: “Nudging” The Legal Profession (2:15pm-3:15pm)
Featuring: Laura Acosta, Natalie Pierce, and Paola Cecchi-Dimeglio - Designing Equity: Making Steps to Change (3:15pm-4:15pm)
Featuring: Melanie Heller, Audrey Lee, Renee M. Landers, and Linda Chanow