HILJ Online publishes short-form scholarship on international law from authors around the world. The views expressed in HILJ Online articles represent the views of their authors; not those of the HILJ editorial board.
New Contributions
Online Collaborations
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
We’re incredibly excited to collaborate with the Harvard Art Law Review to publish short-form online scholarship at the intersection art and international law.
Spring 2024
Innovating Trade: The Intersection of Emerging Technologies, Climate Initiatives, and International Law
HILJ collaborated with the Georgetown Journal of International Law (“GJIL”) and Georgetown’s Center on Inclusive Trade and Development to publish short-form scholarship at the intersection of emerging technologies, climate change, and international law. Other pieces in the contribution will be avaliable on the GJIL website.
Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
HILJ-HIALSA Collaboration on International Arbitration
HILJ collaborated with the Harvard International Arbitration Law Students Association to publish short-form scholarship on international arbitration.
All HILJ Online Contributions by Subject
HILJ Perspectives publishes contributions on cutting-edge topics in international law from practitioners, academics, and Harvard Law School students. Contributions are typically between 500 and 2,500 words. For details on the submissions process, see online submissions.
Editorial team
Perspectives is edited and published by students at Harvard Law School. Meet our editorial board and masthead.