Dominic Moore
Harvard College ’03, Professional Hockey Player

On June 6, 1966, Robert Kennedy delivered an address to students at the University of Cape Town. Given at the height of South African apartheid, with Nelson Mandela still in prison, the speech is considered one of the most important of his life.

“It is from numberless, diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Professionally, Dean Alford’s individual excellence and cooperative leadership have been immensely impactful, and there are many who can speak more insightfully than I can to highlight those significant achievements.

What I can share is the impact Bill has made in my life as a mentor and friend. Since I joined the Harvard Men’s Ice Hockey team back in 1999, Bill has served as a friend and faculty fellow of the program, combining his love for sports with his compassion and care for students. Over two decades, Bill has mentored me, as well as close to two hundred other student-athletes, making it his mission to enrich our experience and encourage us to lead better, more productive lives. Whether it be organizing educational opportunities, building relationships between faculty and students, or offering academic and career guidance, Bill always has time for those within his reach. Amazingly, that generosity only continues after students leave Cambridge. In 2013, ten years after my graduation, Bill was instrumental in helping me establish a charitable foundation, which continues to make a positive impact in the area of rare cancer research, with Bill’s continued support.

Both professionally and personally, Bill’s kindness and generosity are reflected in an abundance of actions both large and small, simple yet profound, spontaneous yet intentional, that have sent, and will continue to send, a ripple effect that is felt far and wide.