Vol. 45-47

Volume 47 – Issue 1

Winter 2024

Law and Democracy

1 Remarks to the Federalist Society National Student Symposium Governor Greg Abbott
13 Four Views of the Nature of the Union Jud Campbell
39 Templates of American Democracy for the 21st Century: The Importance of Looking at American State Constitutions Sanford Levinson
57 What Democracy is Not Daniel H. Lowenstein
65 How Federalism Promotes Unity Through Diversity Ilya Somin


75 The Value of Dissent Hon. Patrick Bumatay


95 Boycotts: A First Amendment History Josh Halpern and Lavi M. Ben Dor
167 History, Public Rights, and Article III Standing Owen B. Smitherman


231 Legal Choices: The State Constitutionality of School Voucher Programs Theodore Steinmeyer
263 Compelling Compliance: Disciplining Agencies Through Statutory Deadlines Marisa Sylvester

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Volume 46 – Issue 3

Fall 2023


Common Good Constitutionalism

937 Strict Scrutiny, Religious Liberty, and the Common Good  Stephanie H. Barclay
957 Originalism, Common Good Constitutionalism, and Our Common Adversary: Fair-Weather Originalism Hon. James C. Ho
967 “Indispensably Obligatory”: Natural Law and the American Legal Tradition Hon. Paul B. Matey

When Moral Principles Meet the Normative or Deliberative Stance of Judges: The Layers of Common Good Constitutionalism

Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco
1009 Equal Dignity and the Common Good  Michael Foran
1029 Common Good Gun Rights Darrell A. H. Miller
1055 The Irish Constitution and Common Good Constitutionalism Conor Casey
1091 The “Common Good” in Hungarian Judicial Interpretation: Footnotes for America Debates on Common Good Constitutionalism Márton Sulyok
1123 Towards a Liberal Common Good Constitutionalism for Polarized Times Linda C. McClain & James E. Fleming
1149 Flourishing, Virtue, and Common Good Constitutionalism Lawrence B. Solum
1177 Experiments of Living Constitutionalism Cass R. Sunstein
1197 Common Good Constitutionalism and Common Good Originalism: A Convergence? Josh Hammer
1217 Originalism, Common Good Constitutionalism, and Transparency Michael L. Smith
1243 The Common Good as a Reason to Follow the Original Meaning of the United States Constitution Lee J. Strang
1271 According to Law Stephen E. Sachs
1299 Enriching Legal Theory Adrian Vermeule


1331 The 2023 Scalia Lecture: Beyond Textualism? William Baude


1353 Privacy and Prophylactics Moshe Schwartz

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Volume 46 – Special Issue

Summer 2023


The Jurisprudence of Justice Samuel Alito

629 Introduction: The Jurisprudence of Justice Samuel Alito Robert P. George
653 The Originalist Jurisprudence of Justice Samuel Alito J. Joel Alicea
671 The Contextual Textualism of Justice Alito John O. McGinnis
687 Justice Alito’s First Amendment Vigilance on the Third Circuit Hon. Stephanos Bibas
703 The Prudent Judge Hon. Steven Menashi
727 Erie and Contemporary Federal Courts Doctrine Jack Goldsmith
743 Justice Alito on Criminal Law Kate Stith
765 Justice Alito on Criminal Procedure Hon. Andrew S. Oldham
787 Justice Alito: A Justice of Foxes and Hedgehogs Hon. Amul Thapar
811 An Architect of Religious Liberty Docrtines for the Roberts Court Gabrielle Girgis
831 Samuel Alito’s Conservatism—Burkean and American Adam J. White
861 Reason and Fiat in the Jurisprudence of Justice Alito Adrian Vermeule
879 Justice Alito’s Free Speech Jurisprudence Keith E. Whittington
901 The Elevation of Reality over Restraint in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Kevin C. Walsh

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Volume 46 – Issue 2

Spring 2023


Administrative Law in the States

303 Learning from Laboratories of Liberty Adam J. White
307 Administrative Law in the States: An Introduction to the Symposium Hon. Jeffrey S. Sutton
323 The Administrative State and Separation of Powers in Wisconsin Hon. Brian Hagedorn
337 Administrative Deference in Colorado Hon. Melissa Hart
349 Georgia Judicial Deference to Executive Branch Agency Legal Interpretations Hon. Nels S.D. Peterson
361 Something There is That Doesn’t Love a Wall Hon. Caleb Stegall
377 Nondelegation in Pennsylvania Hon. David N. Wecht & Lawrence McIntyre

In Memoriam

389 In Memoriam: Sen. Orrin Hatch Sen. Mike Lee


395 “This” Cass R. Sunstein
419 Keeping Our Balance: Why the Free Exercise Clause Needs Text, History, and Tradition William J. Haun
457 The Constraint of History Lorianne Updike Toler & Robert Capodilupo


549 The Necessary and Proper Investigatory Power Brett Raffish

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Volume 46 – Issue 1

Winter 2023

The Federalists vs. The Anti-Federalists:

Revisiting the Founding Debates

1 Were the Founders Themselves Originalists? John O. McGinnis
15 The Anti-Federalists: Planting the Seeds of American Populism? Michelle M. Kundmueller
31 21st Century Federalism: A View from the States Hon. Jeffrey S. Sutton
43 “Partly Federal, Partly National”: The Founders’ Middle Course Michael McConnell
57 The Original Federalist Theory of Implied Powers John Mikhail


69 Wither the Consumer Welfare Standard? Hon. Douglas H. Ginsburg
87 The Province of Law Hon. Neomi Rao


105 Official Immunity at the Founding Hon. Andrew S. Oldham
135 Liquidating the Independent State Legislature Theory Michael Weingartner


221 The Roberts Court’s Functionalist Turn in Administrative Law Thomas A. Koenig & Benjamin R. Pontz
257 The Meaning of “Public Meaning”: An Originalist Dilemma Embodied by Mahanoy Area School District Frances Williamson

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Volume 45 – Issue 3

Summer 2022


773 A Congressional Review Act for the Major Questions Doctrine Christopher J. Walker


795 Alexander Hamilton, the Nondelegation Doctrine, and the Creation of the United States Aditya Bamzai
837 Private Delegation Outside of Executive Supervision Jennifer L. Mascott

Adapted Brief

927 Equal Protection and the Unborn Child: A Dobbs Brief John Finnis & Robert P. George

Notes and Case Comments

1033 A Standoff: Havens Realty v. Coleman Tester Standing and TransUnion v. Ramirez in the Circuit Courts Catherine Cole
1057 The Constitutionality of For-Cause Removal Protections for Inspectors General Ari Spitzer
1077 TransUnion v. Ramirez: Levels of Generality and Originalist Analogies Jason Altabet

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Volume 45 – Issue 2

Spring 2022


481 Restoring States’ Rights & Adhering to Cooperative Federalism in Environmental Policy Senator Kevin Cramer


503 In Remembrance of Barbara K. Olson Ted Olson


523 The Horseless Carriage of Constitutional Interpretation: Corpus Linguistics and the Meaning of “Direct Taxes” in Hylton v. United States Hon. John K. Bush & A.J. Jeffries
571 Harm and Hegemony: The Decline of Free Speech in the United States Jonathan Turley

Notes and Case Comments

703 Political Nonexpenditures: “Defunding Boycotts” as Pure Speech Hunter Pearl
731 The Ordinary Lawyer Corpus: The Federalist Papers Approach Samantha Thorne
761 Quick Look Review as a New Path to Salvation: NCAA v. Alston, 141 S. Ct. 2141 (2021) Rogan Feng

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Volume 45 – Issue 1

Winter 2022

International Law and U.S. Foreign Policy

1 The Importance of the Legislature: International Law, Foreign Policy, and Article One Powers Senator Mike Lee
17 Trade and Sovereignty: What You Can See By Looking Ronald A. Cass
31 Myths and Realities of Global Governance Oona A. Hathaway
55 The Democratic Limits of International Human Rights Law John O. McGinnis
69 On Unilateral Presidential War Powers John Yoo


83 Remarks to the 2020 Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention The Honorable Samuel A. Alito Jr.


103 Myths of Common Good Constitutionalism Conor Casey & Adrian Vermeule


147 Overbroad Injunctions Against Speech (Especially in Libel and Harassment Cases) Eugene Volokh
257 Lower Court Originalism Ryan C. Williams

Notes and Case Comments

349 The Future of Judicial Deference to the Commentary of the United States Sentencing Guidelines John S. Acton
407 Arbitrary Property Interference During a Global Pandemic and Beyond Brett Raffish
465 A Ministerial Exception for All Seasons: Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, 140 S. Ct. 2049 (2020) Jason J. Muehlhoff

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